In the book 'The Giver', everyone's future is decided by the others. Either being released, or getting assigned a job when people turn 12. In my opinion, I wouldn't want my future to be decided by the others. I can do whatever I want in this free world, and to experience different things as I grow up. If my future was decided by the others, every one's talent, advantages, skills, knowledge, and unique styles would all be a waste. Like what the book said, it might be safer. But, you have to take risks in life many times. And if, our futures were decided by others, our world would be nothing different from Jonas'. Having no pain but having no joy at the same time. Having no colors or forgetting them, all those kinds of things. Letting your future be decided by others is almost the same thing as having no future like the capped people in 'The White Mountains', or robots. No one would like their future to be decided unless they are mad or something, and not if everyone is different and has their own styles, talents and dreams.
Music To Express, Music For Change.
13 years ago
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